Kitesurfing on the
Baltic Sea
So, you rascals and rascals. Hand on heart: Which of you is a real kiter - like this? Get on the board - enthusiasm on - and there's nothing else besides?
It's no big deal, we understand. In fact, we understand it so well that kitesurfing on the Baltic Sea plays an important role for us. Because the Bretterbude is a real sports hotel on the Baltic Sea, enthusiasm for water sports is included. Just like the best conditions for your stay with us - with lots of kitesurfing on the Baltic Sea!
Free your mind!
If you're looking for a cool place to stay for your next sports trip and kitesurfing on the Baltic Sea, you should check us out. The Bretterbude has everything you need for a trip with lots of sport on the Baltic Sea: a room, a bed, a bit of catering. After all, you can shower in the water.
Okay, don't worry. Although we have made wood class our motto, there is a little more comfort for you than just a few boards over your head. Take a look at our room categories!
Kitesurfing fun in the board shack
Now, back to the topic of kitesurfing. Kitesurfing on the Baltic Sea is actually possible everywhere in and around Heiligenhafen, except of course in the bathing areas. The official kitesurfing beach is right in front of the Bretterbude: to the left of the pier is the bathing zone, to the right is plenty of space to let off steam!
The wind in the lake is quite gusty due to the buildings and you should watch out for sailors and windsurfers! Kitesurfing on the Baltic Sea is particularly suitable for beginners, as it is impossible to drift off here. You can also go kitesurfing on the Baltic Sea to the west - behind the bathing zone. When the wind is strong, there are some really good waves there!
Surfing, sailing & windsurfing in front of the Bretterbude
However, the Bretterbude wouldn't be a Baltic Sea surfing hotel if it didn't have a heart for other, brilliantly spectacular, meaningful sports. So kitesurfing on the Baltic Sea is not the only pastime we have to offer for your Baltic Sea holiday. You can also go sailing, surfing or windsurfing with us - just as you please.
So, if you fancy a Baltic Sea hotel with plenty of variety, other sports fanatics, water bunnies and convention-killers, you're in more than good hands at the Bretterbude.
Book a room in a flash and drop by: We look forward to your visit to our hotel in Heiligenhafen!